Sinking Carp Pellets From UKGROW

Sinking Carp Pellets


Boost your coy carp’s health with UKGROW’s Sinking Premium Quality Carp Pellets. Nutritionally rich, sinkable, and easy to store – perfect for optimal carp growth.



Revolutionize Carp Nutrition with UKGROW’s Sinking Carp Pellets

Take your coy carp’s health and vitality to new heights with UKGROW’s Sinking Premium Quality Carp Pellets.

Reinventing Carp Nutrition

We’ve engineered our carp pellets to deliver a nutrient-packed diet, directly contributing to improved health, impressive growth, and brilliant coloration in your coy carp.

Emulating Natural Feeding Habits with Sinking Carp Pellets

We’ve designed our Sinking Carp Pellets to mirror the coy carp’s natural feeding habit—sinking. As a result, your coy carp can enjoy a more intuitive and healthy eating pattern.

Immunity and Colour Vibrancy

Expect an immunity boost and more vibrant colouration in your coy carp as they consume these nutrient-rich pellets. Consequently, the overall visual appeal of your pond will enhance.

Unmatched Storage Convenience

In addition to their nutritional value, UKGROW’s Sinking Carp Pellets offer easy storage and feeding convenience, making them an essential part of your pond maintenance routine.

Experience the UKGROW Difference

Our mission at UKGROW revolves around offering the best to your coy carp. And that’s why we’ve carefully crafted our Sinking Premium Quality Carp Pellets to balance nutrients perfectly. So why wait? Embrace the UKGROW difference and revamp your coy carp feeding regimen today.

Key Ingredients:

  1. Protein Sources (30%-40%): High-quality fishmeal, soybean meal, and other protein sources. These help with muscle development and growth.
  2. Carbohydrates (30%-40%): Grains such as wheat and corn provide energy and assist with the pellet’s structure.
  3. Fats (5%-10%): Sources such as fish oil can provide essential omega fatty acids and additional energy.
  4. Fiber (5%-10%): This is important for the digestive health of the carp.
  5. Vitamins and Minerals (5%): These are crucial for a variety of biological functions, including bone health, metabolism regulation, and immune system support.
  6. Additives (<5%): These could include color enhancers to improve the carp’s vibrant colors and specific attractants to stimulate appetite.

Additional information


10L, 1L, 20L, 5L


Bag, Bucket


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